I’m the girl who laughs while she meditates

I grew up under a soul-seeking, Reiki-practicing, tarot-reading mom. Though I respected her "woo-woo" ways— honestly way out there and at times kind of wacky —I never thought it was for me. It wasn’t until suffering from anxiety and other not so comfortable stuff—that my real journey with spirituality began. I had seen the benefits of alternative therapies first hand my whole life so I KNEW that there was something else. I dabbled in angel cards, read all the mandatory self-help books (Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Gabrielle Bernstein), and began a regular meditation practice. I became a certified Reiki practitioner, Intuitive Healer, and Akashic records reader…all while working in LA as an interior designer.
These practices changed my life and when I started practicing word started spreading. That is when I decided that EVERYONE could use these tools for their life. Yes! Even you! I honestly believe that if everyone in the world could access their own internal guidance and the support of their guides the world would be a better place. So, I decided to get to work and I made it my mission to teach as many people as I can that life CAN be MAGICAL AF.
I channel all my courses through the energetic frequency of Inshala Academy, if you want to learn more about what that is go to the about drop down menu and select about inshala
If you want to know a little bit more about me here is a video :)

Who you get as a teacher...
The good witch (pictured to the left) is how my guides show myself to me at times, I love glitter, pink, being a little extra and helping people with good intentions connect to the beautiful unseen realm. I am a spiritual teacher but before all that I am human. At times I still drink diet coke (even though I know it's not the best), like to go shopping, watch reality tv, get frustrated with the spiritual advice I receive, and sporadically enjoy a drink. I also really tune in into my body when it is telling me what it needs or doesn't, will rather spend money on experiences than things, and the less I drink the less I like it. And guess what? I rarely judge myself for these things anymore.
Why do I tell you this? Because that is what you get with me. Human duality. I don't consider myself a guru, I am just a person, with my imperfectly perfect "flaws", that decided to teach to make other imperfectly perfect humans lives better.
It has been hard at times to find teacher's I resonate with because of this. I felt like I needed to follow all the rules and be perfect (all on me of course) but with time I realized that we are all human and doing the best we can. There is no perfect fix for a perfectly imperfect life.
So, what can you expect from me in my classes?
- LAUGHS: Laughing is the greatest vibration lifting tool of all time. Don't worry I'm not always cracking up laughing but I am always smiling and enjoying what I am doing.
- TRANSPARENCY: It is almost impossible for me to lie when it comes to spirituality. It is like channeling, if you are a true channeler you can't force yourself to channel something that is not true. I will always answer honestly and be as transparent as possible with my journey.
- PERMISSION TO BE YOURSELF: I don't care if you have meditated or not, if you believe in god or not, if you want to be here and you are respectful to others you are 100% welcome.
- POWERFUL ENERGY: It is probably going to be a very powerful energetic experience. My meditations are hosted from a place of complete love and light but they are for your highest good and I want you to heal as much as you can in one module. That sometimes means feeling a lot of energy in your body. This might in occasion translate in uncomfortable feelings but always with the goal of healing.
- NO PRESSURE OR YUCKY SALESLY TECHNIQUES: If it's not for you I want you to honor your NO. I know most people will benefit from my courses but if you feel aligned with your no please honor it.

If you have ever experienced anxiety at any level I highly recommend you take this workshop. To learn more click here.
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